7th Grade STEAM Environmental Engineering Challenge

We spent 4 weeks working on investigating, re-engineering, and building a prototype in order to solve
a current environmental engineering problem in our TCS community. The prototype solution must
embrace environmental concepts of sustainability, conservation of energy, and reduction of carbon
footprint. The project entailed writing a detailed lab report, an oral presentation, and designing a
marketing pamphlet to accompany the prototype. Below are some pictures of our poster presentation
share-out, where members of the TCS community and parents are invited to hear about the projects
from the 7
th Graders.

C:\Users\amy.cornell\Downloads\IMG_9093 (1).JPG
Salt water power desalination device (Jackson C., Katie R.)
C:\Users\amy.cornell\Downloads\IMG_9099 (1).JPG
Cost benefit analysis of installing solar panels at TCS (Elke Z., Joe M., Megan Flynn)

C:\Users\amy.cornell\Downloads\IMG_9094 (1).JPG
Redesign TCS cafeteria into an eco-friendly space: Green Cafeteria (Margaux S., Kami B.)

C:\Users\amy.cornell\Downloads\IMG_9095 (1).JPG
Salt water powered car (Mack B., Erik H.)
C:\Users\amy.cornell\Downloads\IMG_9091 (1).JPG


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