Turning the Tide on Plastic

Welcome Back Country School! We are excited to dive back in to our STEAM initiatives, continuing our emphasis on the environment.  Our school-wide mission this year is: We will continue to raise awareness of the plastic overuse in our world. We will also begin to eliminate and re-purpose plastics and improve our recycling efforts. Projects are already underway with discussions of water stations at TCS, recycling stations, and elimination of single use plastic bags, straws, and plastic water bottles on campus. Our long term goal is to have a positive impact and create awareness in the greater community and to partner specifically with Madison Chamber of Commerce to Turn The Tide on Plastic. Be on the lookout for our student designed scarecrow in downtown Madison!

Take the the TCS monthly challenge! October
We would like all TCS students to watch the video from the All School Meeting with their families and click the "FOLLOW" button or comment on our blog after watching the video.  If we get 100 followers, Mr. Fixx has agreed to a GREEN dress down day as in wear green to represent our efforts to GO GREEN!!!

The life cycle of a water bottle Ted Ed 4
Many towns and countries are already initiating proactive efforts to ban single use plastic bags, mylar balloons, and plastic straws. The town of Madison is rolling out their "Turn The Tide on Plastic" campaign this October in an effort to bring awareness to the shoreline areas. Let's catch the wave and "Turn the Tide on Plastic!"

JOIN US TCS families, on Wednesday, October 10 at Circle Beach (Grass Island) The cleanup will run from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Please park in the East River boat launch parking lot and walk down to the beach. See you there!


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